Across the Country and here in Nebraska agencies and organizations are being subjected to ransomware attacks. As we begin our transition to Next Generation 911 this threat will only increase. It is critical that we become vigilant about Cyber Security.
The State 911 Department through a collaborative effort with our partners at the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) have created an informational poster on Nebraska Ransomware Awareness.The downloadable poster is designed to be customized for your center. Nebraska Ransomware Poster
If you would like additional information the National 911 Program has compiled a list of resources and guidance documents on Cybersecurity and the CISA Cybersecurity Hub is another resource to help strengthen security at your agency.
Click Here for information related to NG-911 and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
In April, 2018, LB 993 was signed into law, authorizing the PSC to proceed with the 911 Service System Act, Next Generation 911 Master plan for the implementation of NG911 services in Nebraska.
911 Service System Advisory Committee Agendas
911 Service System Advisory Committee Minutes
911 Service System Advisory Committee (911SSAC)
The 911 Service System Advisory Committee, created by the passage of LB 993 will make recommendations to the PSC on matters concerning the implementation, coordination, operation, management and funding of the 911 Service System as the state transitions to Next Generation 911.
The Advisory Committee consisting of 14 members appointed by the Commission serve for a term of three-years. The members represent public safety agencies (4), county officials or employees (2), municipal officials or employees (2), telecommunications industry (2), Public Safety Answering Points (2), Nebraska Association of County Officials (1), League of Nebraska Municipalities (1). The State 911 Director and the Office of the Chief Information Officer CEO also sit on the committee. For a total of 16 members.
A listing of Advisory Committee members is below:
Matt Watson | Plattsmouth- Cass County | Public Safety/Law Enforcement |
Mark Rempe | Oconto | Public Safety/Fire |
Stan Shearer | Omaha | Public Safety/EMS |
Jon Rosenlund | Grand Island | Public Safety/Emergency Mgr. |
Neil Miller | Kearney/Buffalo Co. | NACO |
William (Bill) Muldoon | Papillion- Sarpy Co. | County Official |
Shelly Holzerland | Fremont | City Official |
Carla Zarybnicky | Beatrice | City Official |
Kathy Allen | Omaha-Douglas Co. | PSAP |
Brent Lottman | Auburn- Nemaha Co. | PSAP |
Tony Kosiba | Syracuse | Telecommunications |
Brian Thompson | Lincoln | Telecommunications |
John Zaugg | Saunders County | County Official |
Jessica Loos | Lincoln | LONM |
David Collett | Lincoln | OCIO- Rep. |
David Sankey | Lincoln | State 911 Director |