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Phone & Internet Discount Programs

Nebraska Telephone Assistance Program (NTAP) / Lifeline

The Nebraska Telephone Assistance Program (NTAP) assists qualifying low-income individuals with keeping telephone services affordable by lowering monthly service rates. NTAP is a supplemental assistance available to qualifying Nebraskans who also participate in the federal Lifeline Program. There are many landline and wireless providers that offer discounts from the federal Lifeline program and Nebraska's Telephone Assistance Program (NTAP).

Download the NTAP/Lifeline Program Flyer


Not all telephone and internet companies offer discounts

Contact your phone or Internet company and ask for an ACP, Lifeline, or NTAP application, or download an application under the "Apply" tab. For a list of phone companies that currently participate in the Nebraska Telephone Assistance Program/nationally know as the Lifeline Program Click Here. Or, contact the Nebraska Public Service Commission at 402-471-3101 or 800-526-0017 Option 2 (in Nebraska only), or psc.ntap@nebraska.gov, to find an authorized provider.

Assistive Telecommunications Equipment

The Nebraska Telecommunications Relay Service program provides access to telecommunications services and equipment for individuals who are hearing, speech impaired or deaf/blind impaired.


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