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NUSF Open Dockets

Date Opened/
Atty Description Status Comments
NUSF-2, PO #12 7/27/2021     SD To establish guidelines for the administration of NE Telephone Assistance Program Pending Comments due September 21, 2021; Reply Comments due October 5, 2021
NUSF-4, PO #30       SK Determine level of Fund necessary to carry out NE Telecommunications
Universal Service FUnd Act beginning 7-1-2024
Pending Public Hearing scheduled Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 1:30 p.m./CHR
NUSF-32.19 7/12/2022   Schram TM Seeking to conduct an inquiry into failure by inContact, Inc., to comply with
Commission Rules or Orders and impose administrative fine.
Pending Sustaining Show Cause & Assess Civil Penalties
NUSF-33/PI-68       SK Seeking to Investigate audit requirements related to the Nebraska Universal Service
Pending Due date extended to 2-28-2025 for those audits otherwise due on 12-31-2024
NUSF-37.443 4/30/2024     JS Cullen Robbins, Director, Complainant, v Syndeo, LLC, Respondent, for late-filing
of the NUSF worksheets/payments
NUSF-37.445 5/29/2024     JS Cullen Robbins, Director, Complainant, v KDDI America, Inc., Respondent, for
late-filing of the NUSF worksheets/payments
NUSF-37.446 5/29/2024     JS Cullen Robbins, Director, Complainant, v Estech Systems, Inc., Respondent, for
late-filing of the NUSF worksheets/payments
NUSF-57, PO #9 6/27/2006   Mirch SK Seeking to administer the Nebraska Telehealth Program Pending Filing deadline extended to July 29, 2024
NUSF-91 8/13/2013     SD To increase broadband adoption among low-income consumers through the
development of a Nebraska broadband telephone assistance program
Pending Held in abeyance
NUSF-92, PO #15 4/19/2023     SK To administer the NUSF Broadband Program Pending Grant application window opens May 1, 2024, closes June 17, 2024
NUSF-99, PO #2 10/15/2014   Schram SK To administer the Universal Service Fund High-Cost Program Pending Price-Cap Carriers file project selections due 4-1-2024
NUSF-108, PO #7 10/19/2021     SK Seeking to make adjustments to the high-cost distribution mechanism and revise
reporting requirements


NUSF-131, PO #3 8/29/2021   Schram SD To establish reverse auction procedures and requirements Pending Pre-auction application forms due on May 31, 2024. Rural-based plans are due July 15, 2024
NUSF-133 3/15/2022   Watermeier SD To implement standards of verification of broadband service coverage/speed data Pending Comments due July 23, 2024; a hearing has been scheduled for August 6, 2024 at 1:30 p.m./CHR
NUSF-139 8/29/2023   Schram SK

Consider modification to high-cost distribution of NUSF in light of federal/state
infrastructure grants

Pending Workshop originally scheduled for May 13, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. has been moved to May 30, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. in the Commission Hearing Room


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