Nebraska has been a member of the Federal/State Rail Safety Participation Program since 1976. Currently, the Commission has one federally certified Motive Power and Equipment Inspector and is onboarding a Track Inspector. The inspections done by state inspectors are supplemental to those done by the FRA.
Railroads that Operate in Nebraska
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are an entity or railroad carrier that needs to request a track clearance waiver, an application must be submitted along with a one-time application fee of $250.00. Applications should also include plans illustrating the structures/equipment that necessitate the waiver.
If it is an emergency, call 911.
If you have general rail safety questions or a non-emergency, call the Commission at 402-471-3101 or 1-800-526-0017 (NE Only). Please have as much information about the issue as possible, such as location, train or crossing number, time of day, etc.
If you are at a blocked crossing, you can also call the railroad carrier telephone number located on the crossing signage.
To report an accident, please call the Railroad Department at 402-471-0260.
Report Blocked Highway-Rail Crossings
Federal Railroad Administration Blocked RailRoad Crossing Web Portal
PSC Rail Safety Program Fact Sheet