For Immediate Release
PSC Suspends Carriers For Non-Compliance
Lincoln, February 3, 2021 – The Nebraska Public Service
Commission (PSC) has issued an Order (MT-0001.01)
suspending 52 passenger carriers and 15 household goods
movers for failure to comply with its annual renewal
requirements pursuant to Neb. Rev. Statute §75-305.
Those carriers named in the Order, must cease and desist
from providing for-hire transportation services for passenger
carriers and household goods in Nebraska.
“It is unfortunate it had to come to this,” said Commission
Chair Dan Watermeier. “Those named in the Order have
been given ample time to comply and yet we have heard
nothing from them.”
In addition to annual notices reminding carriers of the
renewal requirements, the PSC held a hearing to allow
carriers an opportunity to appear before commissioners to
provide reason as to why the due date for renewal could not
be met. During the January 26 hearing not one carrier in
question made an appearance.
All regulated carriers must pay annual fees prior to January 1,
of each year for each vehicle registered with the carrier. The
per vehicle fee allows a carrier to confirm with the PSC the
vehicles it intends to operate under its authority, ensuring the
commission receives proper payment of annual renewal fees
as well as confirmation of insurance status for the registered
Commissioner Watermeier said, “Failure to comply with the
annual renewal requirements calls into question a company’s
fitness to operate.”
Each certificate of authority will remain suspended until all
annual renewal requirements are completed, and the
commission enters an Order reauthorizing the provisions of
service. The next opportunity for an Order to be issued would
be at the commission’s February 17 meeting. ###
** A list detailing the suspended carriers & household goods
movers can be found in the Order MT-0001.01 on the psc website. **
Deb Collins- Media & Communications Mgr.
(402) 471-0226