Commission Meeting

Event Date
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 - 5:00am
Commission Hearing Room

This meeting is subject to the Open Meetings Act.
Remote access to the meeting will be available via WebEx or by telephone.
The Commission WebEx may be accessed by the following link:      
Those wishing to attend anonymously may use "anonymous" for their name and "" for their email address.
To attend by telephone, dial 469-210-7159, then enter 146 153 5285  when prompted for an access code.
Visit the PSC Meeting/Hearing information page for additional details.

  1. Schedule of Proceedings
  2. Communications-Report & Action
  3. State 911-  No Report 
  4. Natural Gas- No Report 
  5. Transportation- No Report
  6. Housing & Recreational Vehicles - No Report
  7. Grain - No Report 
  8. Legislative - Report 
  9. Rules & Regulations -No Report 
  10. General Administration- No Report 
  11. Presentation & Reports - No Agenda