PSC Awards Nebraska Broadband Bridge Program (NBBP) Grants


Lincoln, JANUARY 4, 2022 – The Nebraska Public Service
Commission today, Tuesday, January 4, approved an Order
(C-5272) awarding 60 grants totaling nearly $18 million from
the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Program (NBBP). The vote 
to approve the Order (C-5272) was 4-1 with Commissioner 
Crystal Rhoades dissenting.

“Today, we are pleased to award the first set of grants through
the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Program (NBBP),” said
Commission Chair Dan Watermeier. “This funding will go a
long way in the state’s efforts to help make high speed
broadband available to unserved and underserved Nebraskans.”

Created by the Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act (Neb.
Rev. Stat. § 86-1301- 86-1310) the NBBP provides up to $40
million dollars over two grant cycles for the deployment of
broadband networks capable of at least 100/100 Mbps 
(up/down) in unserved and underserved areas of the state.

During the 2021 grant cycle, the PSC received 76 applications
for funding through the NBBP. As a part of the grant review
process, the Commission also received challenges from 
parties stating that they already served an area covered by a 
grant application, or they plan to provide service to the area 
in the near future.

Upon review of the applications and challenges received the
PSC determined 60 submissions qualified for funding. The 60
grants awarded were submitted by 19 providers for a total of
$17,771,964.39. Certain applicants, whose applications were
denied due to a challenge to only part of the project area will
be given the chance to apply for the remaining $2.02 million
in funding for the 2022 grant cycle. Projects funded through
today’s award must be completed by July 5, 2023. Providers
may apply for one six-month extension.

Commissioner Watermeier said, “We appreciated the robust
participation in this first year of the grant cycle and thank the
providers who participated in this initial process. We 
encourage any interested parties to participate in the 2022 
grant cycle.”

A detailed list of the approved projects and funding amounts
can be found on the Nebraska Broadband Bridge
Program page of the PSC website. ###

Deb Collins- Media & Communications Mgr.
(402) 471-0226

   NBBP Phone Poles