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Pre-applicaitons to be Accepted for Nebraska Internet Enhancement Fund Grant

Pre-applications to be Accepted for Nebraska Internet Enhancement Fund Grant

For Immediate Release

      Pre-Applications to be Accepted for
 Nebraska Internet Enhancement Fund Grant

Lincoln, October 29, 2019 – The Nebraska Public Service
Commission (PSC) is now taking pre-applications from counties and
municipalities wishing to apply for grants from the Nebraska Internet
Enhancement Fund (NIEF).

Pre-applications will be accepted beginning today, Tuesday, October
29, through Friday, December 6, 2019. The Commission utilizes pre-
applications to determine whether potential projects meet the
requirements of a  NIEF grant award.

Established in 2001 by state lawmakers  NIEF uses a share of the
proceeds from public entities that lease unused fiber-optic cable,
or dark fiber, to fund grants for infrastructure projects that deliver
broadband or other advanced telecommunications projects
throughout the state. The grants  focus on areas in Nebraska that
are unserved or underserved by such services. Successful
applications may be awarded up to $75,000.

Pre-application are required to be completed before an invitation to
submit a formal application is issued. The formal application period
will begin on December 30,2019, with final awards for the new grant
period to be made in April of 2020.

A pre-application form as well as more information about the NIEF
grant program can be found on the Telecommunications page of the
PSC website < www.psc.nebraska.gov >.  You may also contact the
PSC during regular business hours at 1-800-524-0017.

To date the PSC has awarded approximately $735,000 in funding
from the NIEF to support broadband infrastructure projects across
the state. ###

Deb Collins- Media & Communications Mgr.
(402) 471-0226
Collage Hearing Room Front

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