Nebraska Public Service Commission Launches New Website


Nebraska Public Service Commission Launches New Website
Lincoln, January 31, 2019 – The Nebraska Public Service
Commission (PSC)is excited to announce the launch of its
new, mobile –responsive website.

“Working together with Nebraska Interactive, we’ve created a 
website that not only serves the consumer, but our public and 
private partners in way that is visually appealing, and easy to 
navigate,” said Commission Chair Mary Ridder.

Visitors to the PSC website will find a streamlined user 
experience. Featuring drop-down menus for each department, 
the new PSC website has a vast array of information from 
forms, data, and online payments to easily operated search 

Ridder said, “Our new look and added features were designed 
to engage users and we’re excited to begin sharing our 
information in a way that is easy and accessible.”

The PSC regulates telecommunications carriers, natural gas
jurisdictional utilities, major oil pipelines, railroad safety, 
household goods movers and passenger carriers, grain 
warehouses and dealers, construction of manufactured 
and modular homes and recreational vehicles, high voltage 
electric transmission lines, and private water company rates. 

Deb Collins- Media & Communications Mgr.
(402) 471-0226
