Lincoln, June 27, 2023- The Nebraska Public Service
Commission today approved an Order in docket CPF-1
awarding 65 grants totaling more than $61 million from
the 2023 Capital Projects Fund (CPF) Grant Program.
“The Capital Projects Fund is another opportunity for qualified
applicants to bring broadband to Nebraskans most in need of
these services,” said Commission Chair Dan Watermeier.
“Through this first round of grants, we are able to fund 65
eligible broadband projects.”
CPF grants are awarded by the PSC by in Congressional
Districts One and Three. At least $40 million in grant funding
was available in each congressional district for eligible
broadband projects.
During the 2023 CPF grant cycle, the PSC received 130
applications for funding. As part of the grant review process,
the Commission also received challenges from parties
stating that they already served an area covered by a grant
application, or they plan to provide service to the area in the
near future.
Upon review of the applications and challenges received the
PSC determined 65 submissions would be funded. Of the 65
grants awarded 27 were awarded in Congressional District
One, totaling$40.3 million. In Congressional District Three,
38 grants were awarded totaling $21.03 million.
Projects receiving grant awards during the 2023 grant cycle
are required to be completed by December 27, 2024, unless
granted an extension by the Commission.
With funding remaining in district three, the Commission
plans to open an additional window for CPF applications.
Projects that were not approved during the initial funding
round may be resubmitted for consideration during the
additional grant funding cycle.
Commissioner Watermeier said, “We want to distribute the
entire amount of grant funding available and would
encourage providers in Congressional District Three whose
projects were not approved to consider resubmitting their
application during the additional grant cycle.” ###
Deb Collins- Communications & Media Mgr.
(402) 471-0226 /