PSC to Participate in Husker Harvest Days



Lincoln, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 – The Nebraska Public Service
Commission (PSC) will be on hand at Husker Harvest Days
(September 13-15) in Grand island, providing  information 
on the services it delivers and the regulatory authority it has 
within the state.

Husker Harvest days gives us the opportunity to talk directly 
with the citizens we serve and the businesses we regulate,” 
said Commission Chair Dan Watermeier. “With harvest 
season underway it’s an important time to make sure 
everyone involved in the selling, or storage of grain 
understands Nebraska law.”

Under the Grain Dealer Act if a producer/seller wants to 
ensure their transactions with a grain dealer are covered by 
the grain dealer’s security posted with the PSC, they must 
demand payment within 15 days of completion of their 
contract with the dealer. Producers/sellers who choose not 
to demand payment within 15 days after completion of their 
contract will be unsecured creditors of that dealer and forfeit 
any protection from the grain dealer’s security.

Grain Warehouse operators are also reminded by the PSC 
of the Emergency Storage Policy. In order to store grain on 
the ground, an Emergency Storage application must be filed 
with, and approved by the PSC. The Emergency Storage 
Application can be found on the Grain Department page of 
the PSC website.

You can visit the PSC booth at Husker Harvest Days in the
Diversified Industry Building Exhibition area beginning at 
8:00 a.m., each of the three-days.

Commissioner Watermeier said, “We invite anyone with 
questions or an interest in the Public Service Commission 
to stop by and see us at Husker Harvest Days.” ###

Deb Collins- Media & Communications Mgr.
(402) 471-0226

Husker Harvest Days