PSC Updates State E-Rate Program Encourages Applications


                             ENCOURAGES APPLICATIONS

Lincoln, October 13, 2023- The Nebraska Public Service 
Commission has issued an Order (NUSF-117 P.O.1
extending the state E-Rate Special Construction 
Matching Program (E-Rate program) and increasing the 
state match for projects that participate in the Federal 
Communications Commission’s (FCC), E-Rate Special 
Construction Program.

“With today’s Order, libraries and schools in Nebraska 
that participate in the federal E-Rate Special Construction 
program, will now have the opportunity to install new 
fiber to their facilities at no cost,” said Commission Chair
Dan Watermeier.

Established in May of 2020, through NUSF-117, the PSC 
allocated $1 million dollars from the Nebraska Universal 
Service Fund (NUSF) for the E-Rate Special Construction 
Matching Fund Program to facilitate the build-out of 
new fiber to Nebraska libraries and schools participating 
in the FCC’s E-Rate Special Construction Program. The
state funding was initially allocated for four years and 
was set to expire at the end of 2024.

The Order (NUSF-117 P.O.1) extends the life of the state 
program for an indefinite period of time. It also, removes 
a cap of 10 % match from the state allocation and will 
instead match any remaining eligible new fiber 
construction costs not already funded through the  FCC’s 
E-Rate Special Construction Program, not to exceed 100% 
of eligible costs.

Commissioner Watermeier said, “We would encourage 
these entities looking to build-out new fiber to their 
facilities, to participate in both the federal and state 
programs so they can maximize the funding available 
and get connected.”

For more information about the NUSF-117 E-Rate 
Special Construction Matching Program and 
application process, please visit 
< >.


Deb Collins- Communications & Media Mgr.
(402) 471-0226/
