PSC Extends Million Dollar Grant Program

For Immediate Release

 PSC Extends Million Dollar Grant Program

Lincoln, November 5, 2020 – The Nebraska Public Service
Commission has entered an Order (NUSF-92 PO#10) that
will continue to allow carriers to seek reimbursement for
providing broadband service to low-income families affected
by  the COVID-19 emergency.

In March, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
Commission allocated $1 million through the NUSF Broadband
Adoption Program (NUSF-92) to assist carriers in providing 
low-income subscriber’s access to broadband services to 
facilitate online learning. The new Order approved 
November 4 will extend the program through the end 
of 2020.

“As we enter the fall, we find Nebraska consumers continue to
face many of the same challenges associated with the 
pandemic as they did in the spring,” said Commission Chair 
Mary Ridder. “We hope extending this program will help 
carriers to continue to provide affordable broadband service 
to facilitate online learning for low-income subscribers.”

During the initial program which ran from mid-March through
May 31, the Commission approved reimbursements to carriers
totaling nearly $205,000 providing support to roughly 2,000

Ridder said, “With three-quarters of a million dollars remaining
in the program, we hope to incentivize carriers to continue to
seek ways to ensure that the families most likely to have 
difficulty paying for internet, receive the service they need as 
we continue to cope with the effects of this health emergency.”

The continuation of the Broadband Adoption support will 
apply to low-income families added between August 1, and 
December 31, 2020.

Telecommunications carriers certificated as a local exchange
carrier or registered with the Commission as a 
communications provider seeking reimbursement for this 
extended period may file requests consistent with the 
parameters of the program adopted in March @ 
< >. 

Deb Collins- Media & Communications Mgr.
(402) 471-0226

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